Lübeck – Beautiful World Heritage Site seen from Above
Lübeck – Showcase of Ancient Architecture
Lübeck has many beautiful spots and sights to see. The town center is in its entire layout deeply rooted in the middle ages. Here you can have beautiful walks, starting for example in a true medieval quarter, touring the high medieval cathedral, late medieval St. Mary’s Church and strolling through streets in brick renaissance style. But you will get a special impression of the town’s beauty, when you look at it from above. I went up the St. Petri’s Church’s tower as you can easily do for only 4€ to give you an impression of beautiful Lübeck from above.
In the image above you see imposing Brick Gothic St. Mary’s church with the beatiful town market place and the adjacent town hall (the seemingly black-and white building at the far side of the open space). Below is the famous Holsten Gate, which for some decades figured on the German 50 Mark note and remaining salt storage houses to its left.

From the bridge above you have a wonderful view (called the painter’s corner) looking to the houses’ waterfront. Below, you see the Lübeck cathedral to the left and beautiful old Domviertel to the right.

A well preserved town
Although some parts of Lübeck have been destroyed in World War II, large parts were left intact or could be restored. After decades of renovation, the city center now is a beautiful display of well-preserved architecture – and people live here even today! A large part of the ancient city center of Lübeck is declared Unesco world heritage site. Over 1,000 buildings are marked as cultural heritage.

Lübeck – Beautiful Tiny Town
On this plaque you see the entire small Lübeck town center. It is a peninsula (an actual island, if it weren’t for a some dozen meters’ connection) at the joining of the two rivers Trave and Wakenitz. Measuring only two kilometers from north to south and one kilometer from west to east, everything is in close walking distance and on a nice summer evening, you might want to walk around it leasurely in an hour and a half. Some nice impressions of such an evening walk around Lübeck, I put online here and here.

3 Kommentare
Eine wirklich tolle Stadt!
Liebe Grüße!
In Lübeck war ich für einen Abend zur Weihnachtszeit und habe beschlossen mir die Stadt nochmal in Ruhe anzusehen. So schöne Gebäude und ein so tolles Flair brauchen definitiv mehr Zeit.
Liebe Grüße, Milli
Sehr schöne Bilder! Lübeck scheint einen Besuch Wert zu sein.